Friday, September 23, 2011

Color Wheel and Value Scale

<a href=";current=DSC00308.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Color Wheel"></a>

<a href=";current=DSC00310.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Value Scale"></a>

1. I thought creating the value scale and the color wheel was extremely easy yet somewhat time consuming.
2. I enjoyed working with the acrylic paint the best because it was more creative and I haven't played with paint in a while so it was fun.
3. My most important discovery while doing the images were that cross hatching and shading are very time consuming in a value scale and it is difficult to get the lighter images with using the same media.
4. The most important information I learned from the project was that the actually primary colors are Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow, when we were always taught they were red, blue and yellow. The videos were very self explainatory and mostly common sense.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Principles of Design & Elements of Art

I realized the everything around me is composed of principles of design and elements of art. I was able to look around in the environments I see everyday, or the environments I've once been in, and can use the photos to capture the importance in this project. I am a hairdresser so I thought it would be nice to reflect most of this project on what I do everyday. I used my salon to capture images that I usually see everyday, that I now see in a more artistic way. I usedhair color, nail polish color, signs, hair products, and water to create some of the images. Other pictures such as the clouds used for emphasis and the Las Vegas view from the balcony used for space to represent my favorite vacations. I enjoyed taking pictures for a purpose, and using everyday objects to explore my artistic ability.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Color and Emotions

1.      Describe Color and it's effects on emotions. Use the appropriate vocabulary of color in your posting.
Color is powerful and its unpredictable affect on our emotions makes it difficult to color. Color can only occur because of light and the light allows for the reflection of color. Colors reflect each other, and is not confined between outlines, especially in paintings. Hue describes the specific wavelength of light that allows us to recognize a specific color. The intensity of color refers to the strength of the color, simply meaning the brightness or dullness of the color. To squeeze the color straight from the tube onto the painting will increase the intensity. Bold colors express strong emotions. Van Gough creates a café panting that was depressing and use green and red colors to express his forcible emotions.
2.      What is a theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues/fascinates you? Why?
The theoretical aspect of color that most intrigues me is that the color red is believed to increase appetite and therefore food consumption. That is said to be why many restaurants will choose red as their main color. I am fascinated that a color can express and attract certain emotions.
3.      In the Color video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions?
Fresco painters were the first to use color in a grand scale. Pigments from stones were grinded and then extracted the pigment from the stone, and then left in water for three weeks. Creating the strong blue pigment that was used for famous historical pictures is so interesting.
4.      In the Feelings video, what made the biggest impact on you in regards to color and it's effects on emotions? 
Francisco Goya was the Painter of Darkness. He paints the unwanted, the uncomfortable,  freedom gone negative, and then negativity developing into darkness. He used to paint colorful scenes until he got a severe illness that left him with the feeling of death among him. He was ignorant with politics and painted scary pictures about death. All his painting turned into dark depressing pictures with little color. The more dark bold colors that are put into a painting, the more depressing they are to look at. His illness obviously was sever enough to change his feelings negatively and express those feelings in his work of art.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Video Review

1) There were several key concepts found in the videos I watched. Aesthetics was portrayed as the main key concept throughout both of the videos. Aesthetics is the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty. Another key concept was from the CARTA video was how your brain and neurological system has an effect on how you interpret and acknowledge everything in life such as works of art and visual arts.
A philosopher that discusses the term aesthetics is Plato. Plato was was philospher from the roman area. Plato taught the true nature of things we see are ideas. Ideas are beyond senses that can only be grasped by reason, but beauty can also be. Plato also argued taht manifestation of something beautiful attracts the person who sees it. Platos' overall contribution to the aesthetic theory was beauty.
3) Knowing the definition of aesthetics and how it affects us as people allow me to understand art better. I watched two videos with a variety of views on aesethics. I took pleasure in listening to Changeux and Ramachandran as well as watching their points on the view of aesthetics.  Ramachandran's scientific view point is that our brain brings us our aesthetic viewpoints. Ramachandran's most interesting point that i learned was how our minds get the "jolt" sensation when we figure out those mind puzzles such as his example of the dot test. With the dot test example, I was confused on the concept of what was given and I sat there extremely confused. After about 15 seconds he showed the smiley face that was hiding inside and was annoyed I didn't figure it out in the first place.Changeux said that as we evolved our art did and with aesthetic efficiancy, it effects our emotions. I found that from Changeaux's part of the lecutre, the most appealing part was that discrete mental synthesis from internal memories gives us that aesthetic experience.
4) The videos and our readings relate to each other by the involvement in the sense of art and aesthetics. The lectures on aesthetics benefited me because I am more knowledgeable on art.
5) My opinion of the films were that they were very monotone and become boring at certain points.
Understanding the definition of the term aesthetics and viewing Ramachandran, added more depth for me to understand aesthetics. The second video was more upbeat and interesting including, Ramachandran's part. It was the most in depth and interesting contribution from both videos. 

Friday, September 2, 2011


Setting up my gmail account and then creating my blog was incredibly simple and easy. It was a fast process and I can now continue to progress with my blog. In AED 200 I expect to learn and understand historical arts and creations. I also want to be able to recongnize art when I see it and be able to describe what were the emotions of the artist while being made. I feel that taking an online course is more difficult than taking a course on campus. It is easy to lose focus when you do not have to show up to a specific class at a specific time. However, it is convenient for many people such as me who work full time and are also taking many classes.