Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Video Review

I chose this video because I am familiar with Matisse and Picasso and would like to learn more about them.
Matisse and Picasso- Matisse is the serene, self indulgent father figure and Picasso is the eternal adolescent and fiery primitive. Their relationship with each other is unique. Matisse painted the woman with the hat which was Jacqueline Matisse, his wife. Gertrude Stein was the first to recognize the greatness of Matisse and Picasso. Matisse was French in the way he thought and dressed while Picasso was more impulsive. They exchanged paintings to seal mutual respect. Picasso’s paintings are inspired from life and women. In 1912 Picasso invents the first collage. They had many similarities and differences however they worked together and exchanged paintings and introduced new buyers to the others artwork. They studied each other’s paintings so they knew to do the opposite. Matisse dies in 1954 and Picasso moves to Cannes.

I chose this video because I have learned about Surrealism.
Dada Surrealism- The Dada movement was born as a reaction to World War 1. Kurt Schwitters is a German Artist in which he includes many objects in his art. He wanted his art to embrace everything in the world. He continued writing all his life. He believed he had unlimited possibilities with collages. Mats came from Comats. His pictures are named from syllables in the objects. Joan Miro is a Spanish Surrealist who creates the “Dutch Interior 1”. He paints only the abstract structures of its composition. He removes images of tradition in his works.

I chose this video because I am attracted to Expressionism paintings.
Expressionism- Uses color to express emotion. Edward Munch is a powerful painter. He created imagery that broke radically with established norms of concepts and styles. “After the Fall” was a painting symbolizing the modern Adam and Eve. His painting “Ashes” deals with the relationship between man and woman and the mysteries of sexuality. Women were painted in his work and dramatically changes throughout the years. Some women were predators, arrogant, and destroyers in his paintings. Expressionism had little concern with the structural composition of color and emphasized the color’s emotional properties.

I think that Cubism is an interesting concept for art so I chose this video.
The Impact of Cubism- The most influential style of the 20th century. Cubism was influenced by the work of Cezanne, African tribal art. It is a nonclassical way to represent form and space. Juan Gris created the painting, “The Breakfast Table”. Light and color was used for abstract approach to Cubism. Cubism became the international style such as the “An Englishman in Moscow”.  He overturned conventional logic to find inner meaning which is called displacement. The picture is not supposed to make sense in content. Picasso was the founder of Cubism.

2. The videos relate to the text in that the content is the same as well as the examples of artwork for different artists. Although, the videos showed and talked about more artists and examples for these forms of art.
3. I thought the films were too long and a little boring. However, as I sat through four hour long videos, I did learn a variety of new things about these forms of art. I always like to see the art in galleries along side of other pieces, and the book does now do that and the videos do.

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