Sunday, November 27, 2011

Video Review

 The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast Pop Art- Lowbrow art-art that nobody else knows how to characterize. It is a reaction to high brow culture. Lowbrow imagery was used in relation to images of naked girls and hot rods, however it evolved and stuck and created its own meaning. Lowbrow was originally referring to pornography. Lowbrow art was inspired by suburbia, nuclear family, Malibu beach/surf scene, comic books and B level movies. Psychedelic rock posters were not accepted in galleries because they were associated with hippies and drugs. It has history and folk art. Pop culture references were also used in Lowbrow. Lowbrow was formed into an art movement where people were scared it would erase earlier cultural art. Culture is open to women artists, where they thought since they were women they could draw a woman better than men can.
Displaying Modern Art: The Tate Approach-  The was an overwhelming success which made the gallery art in danger and had to be cornered off. Four million viewers in the first year made it the most popular museum. Modern art in the MOMA(museum of modern art) from 1929 onwards was displayed primarily in chronological order, representing each art movement. There were rooms in the museum with specific lighting on the walls emphasizing the art, or the room where the art movements was displayed. Some artists set up art in the room for the experience that is in and off the walls. Art in the museum can also represent other concepts. Tate creates rooms as an atmosphere with a theme.

Bones of Contention: Native American Archaeology- Archaeologists have studied and kept remains of bones of Native Americans in the back of museums for further knowledge. Now the Native Americans want their ancestors back and they compare it to burning books and it will be a setback of information. Discrimination with native Americans were in affect when the archaeologists dug up 26 white people for study and then reburied them, however, they took the Indian woman and her child and put them in a box and shipped off for further study. In 1976 the first law was passed to protect Indian burial grounds. Smithsonian held the remains of 18,000 Native American remains. Anthropologists want to study origins of Native Americans. Similar bone defects suggest shared genes origins. Many tribes do not believe the theory of migration. The bones of earlier women reveal that hard work by manufacturing furs worn them down and led to a lower birthrate and life expectancy.

George Eastman House: Picture Perfect- George Eastman was a well known business man and a visionary. He was a child of a new age of photography. He is the father of popular photography. He created an affordable Kodak camera for all people. The whole history of photography is in the George Eastman House which is the story of his life and legacy of his life that is picture perfect.
George Eastman’s House, holds 400,000 photographs, 25,000 films, 62,000 personal artifacts and 16,000 pieces of photographic technology. Documentation led to imagination in art. In 1996 the George Eastman House established the first school in North America to teach the restoration, preservation, and archiving of motion pictures. Eastman committed suicide in 1932 because he had a terminal illness and wanted to be in control of his life.
2. These videos related to my art exhibition project except the Bones of Contention. In the other three videos, an art created a theme or topic for their exhibition and had different rooms of varieties of art that all related to that specific theme. In each video there was an importance for each concept and shows how each artists involves the topic in their artwork.
3. The Bones of Contention was very interesting because I was unaware of the discrimination that was happening behind closed doors in the archeologist’s world. I do understand that it is part of their job to study past life but to disturb graves and then not put the natives back is wrong. I thought these videos were very helpful in aid to my curation project because I realize that every artwork doesn’t necessarily have to be the same type of images. They just need to relate to the theme during different parts of time.

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