Monday, December 12, 2011

Reflections of AED 200

1. I expected to learn and understand historical arts and creations. I also wanted to be able to recognize art when I see it and be able to describe the emotions of the artist while it was being made. From taking this class I now can walk into an art gallery and recognize many of the art and paintings around me. I know the history or many art and artists and understand their emotions while they create it. Videos and course material really helped me with understand art.
2. Art is a product of an artist that can influence emotions, senses, and intellect. It could be anything from drawings, paintings, sculptures, 2D and 3D installations, videos, and many more. Most art is aesthetically pleasing for the viewer.
3. My favorite artist is still Jackson Pollack. I love abstract art and think what he does to create art is amazing. It takes great talent to throw paint on a canvas and make it beautiful.
4. Taking an online course is still very difficult if you are not motivated. It is a big responsibility to and you don’t have teachers or students keeping you in line. I like taking online courses because it meets my schedule having a full time job and going to school full time. Taking a online course results in more work because you don’t have to actually meet in class so it evens out.

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