Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Video Review

1. Explain why you selected each of the FOUR videos you choose from the selection listed above.
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned
The Drawings of Michelangelo
I chose this video because it was the first one on the list and caught my eye because I just read about him in the text readings from this week.
-  Michelangelo destroyed some of his drawings because he did not want anyone to see them, however, many of them survived both finished and unfinished.
- He was born in Florence and became an apprentice at age 12 for Ghirlandaio.
- His sketches were used to get a rough placement of the figures and the space around them. He would draw from the core of the body and work out to the contour.
- He was passionate about the beauty of the male form.
- He created the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.
- His crucifixion drawings explore his conflicting feelings of hope and dread as he approaches death.

Albrecht Durer: Image of a Master
I chose this video because I was interested in the image this artist created and what different types of art he made.
- He was the greatest artist of the Northern Renassaince. He introduced Renaissance art to Germany.
- He created a self portrait at 13 and became an apprentice of his father.
- He drew images of portraits of people aging.
-Considered the first true landscape artist.
- Durer was influenced by Venetian artists.
- Set up a workshop for prints for a source of income, and eventually moved into engraving copper.

The Night Watch
I chose this video because it sounded scary in a way that could be eye catching. It also could involve any artist so I was curious to see what artists would be announced.
-  In the small town of Holland imitates The Night Watch which is an object of pilgrimage. The Night Watch was painted by Rembrandt. There are bits missing from the painting because it was slashed with a knife, acid was thrown at it and it was soaked in water.
- “The Night Watch” was an icon of Dutch Art
- Rembrandt created the painting so it would be full of movement and is ordering them to go marching into the night, everyone is starting to move so it feels like your capturing the action of the Dutch men

I chose this video because I was unfamiliar with this artist and wanted to know more about him.
- He sees colorless and gray portraits.
- He was born in 1599 and died in 1660.
- Know nothing about his daily life.
- He served as a court painted to his friend King Phillip IV of Spain, which was his only friend.
- He painted portraits of deformed people and had great sympathy for their physical flaws.
-Miraculous at painting the truth with his technical expertise while looking very natural.

3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text? These videos relate to the readings in the text because they describe the same artists, what they are known for, there past, and their creations.

4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts? I feel that the films give me a more visual understanding of how the artists create their work and why it was created. The films emphasize each technique or the artists and why it was significant in their work. I am more of a visual learner and find the videos to help me remember material.

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